Saturday, January 28, 2012

235 Days Old…January 28, 2012

IMG00052-20120128-0921My 5 days project completely slipped by me yesterday because of our adventure in the hospital over the past few days. Luckily I had taken a picture of Jackson and Anderson in the crib before we got discharged.

If you didn’t know, Anderson was admitted to the hospital on Thursday for dehydration due to a viral infection. He had started running a fever and was vomiting on Wednesday night, and by Thursday at lunchtime we were sitting in a hospital room waiting for an iv to be inserted. He was so dehydrated that his veins were collapsing and they couldn’t get the iv in and running. It took 3 tries, and during that time he didn’t even have enough fluid in him to make tears. It was probably the most pitiful thing I have seen as a parent, and it was so hard seeing him that sick. He was sick Friday, and Friday night the nurse was concerned with some swelling in his iv port on his foot. They tried to put another iv in, but his veins were rolling and after another 3 tries they gave up on the iv. The doctor decided to wait until Saturday morning to do blood work and see if he was he was better. By Saturday we got the word that he was well enough to come home. I won’t say that he is nearly back to normal; at times we were doing good to get 1/4 ounce of formula in him, but hopefully within a few days he’ll be back to his sweet self. He is spoiled rotten right now from 2 days in the hospital being held just about constantly, but we’re not going to worry about that right now! He’s had it so rough for the past few days that he can get all the cuddle time he needs.

That’s it for today. I’ll be back in 5 more days, hopefully with news that Anderson is 100% better!

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Anderson is growing like a weed. What do you think about the little guy?