Friday, June 17, 2011

10 Days Old...June 17, 2011

Here are a couple of pictures of Anderson from 10 days old. He's still a pretty laid back and easy baby, until it's time to eat and then all bets are off! We're waking up 1 or 2 times at night to feed him, and he's usually eating every 2-3 hours during the day. Anderson has definitely lived up to his nickname of "Anderson Pooper!" We're constantly changing dirty diapers, and the little guy is a master at peeing on the back of his outfits, although we're not quite sure how he does it! I guess that's all the updates, considering right now he's not doing much other than eating, sleeping and pooping! I'll be back in 5 days with more pics!


  1. Anderson Pooper. That's AWESOME.

  2. I have always loved Anderson Cooper. Thought he was handsome. But I think Anderson "Pooper" has him beat! Love it! You Moores and Wades are too creative!

  3. OH, and I think this is a great idea. I feel so guilty about Molly and her baby book and not a scrapbook done while MG has 3, and could go on, and on. At least she is well documented (I hope) on the blog.

  4. Love the nickname! LOL I remember the peeing out the back thing..I think something gets pointed in a weird direction and thus the wet back. And if he's laying on his back, gravity isn't your friend either. Fun times... : )


Anderson is growing like a weed. What do you think about the little guy?