Saturday, December 24, 2011

200 Days Old…December 24, 2011

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Anderson is 200 days old today! Before I know it I’ll be planning his 1st birthday party. Time is flying by!

Anderson had to go to the doctor today. He ran a mild fever last night and then at 3:30 this morning he woke up with a fever of 101.8. We gave him Tylenol and at 6:30 we called the pediatrician when he was still running a fever over 100. She heard his symptoms and had us bring him in. Her over the phone diagnosis of an ear infection was confirmed and Anderson has his first double ear infection just in time for Christmas. Poor little guy! He’s been very fussy and irritable today, which is completely out of character for him. He’s had 2 doses of antibiotics so far so hopefully he will be feeling better in the morning in time to enjoy his Christmas presents. I guess that’s it for today! We’ll be back in 5 more days!

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Anderson is growing like a weed. What do you think about the little guy?