Monday, June 27, 2011

20 Days Old...June 27, 2011

Our little guy is 20 days old already! He's doing great! He's still on a great schedule, feeding every 2-3 hours during the day, and getting up at 2:00 at night and 5:30 in the morning. We have gotten so lucky with this little man! He rarely ever cries, and mostly just makes grunts whenever he is ready for a bottle or is bored. I could not ask for an easier baby! We're still waiting on his first official smile, but I think it will be any day. Anderson loves to cuddle, and I'm loving the fact that he still is most comfortable in his "froggy" mode, just like his big brother used to do. Enjoy the pics from 20 days old!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

15 Days Old...June 22, 2011

Anderson is now 15 days old, and time is flying by! The little guy is doing wonderful, and he is such a happy baby that he is even making me rethink my whole idea of only having 2 kids. He's that good!

Anderson now weighs right at 8 lbs, and we have started him on formula to help him put on the weight. His schedule is pretty good at night; he gets a bottle around 10:00, again at 2:00, and sometime around 5:00, so we are pretty lucky that he's not keeping us up all night long. The little guy is still a master at peeing all over the back of his outfit, and thanks to the formula he's not pooping near as much as he had been!

As of now Anderson's favorite things to do are to cuddle and sleep. We haven't seen a smile yet, but we have got some of the funniest faces from him, especially when he is getting a dose of mylecon. He is precious and although he may be only 15 days old, he has given us some great laughs!

I guess that's all for now. I'll be back in 5 days. Take care!

Friday, June 17, 2011

10 Days Old...June 17, 2011

Here are a couple of pictures of Anderson from 10 days old. He's still a pretty laid back and easy baby, until it's time to eat and then all bets are off! We're waking up 1 or 2 times at night to feed him, and he's usually eating every 2-3 hours during the day. Anderson has definitely lived up to his nickname of "Anderson Pooper!" We're constantly changing dirty diapers, and the little guy is a master at peeing on the back of his outfits, although we're not quite sure how he does it! I guess that's all the updates, considering right now he's not doing much other than eating, sleeping and pooping! I'll be back in 5 days with more pics!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Every 5 Days

We just welcomed a new addition into our home, our second son, Anderson. Because most second borns end up not getting as many photos taken of them, I'm challenging myself to post a new picture of our new little man every five days. Here we go!

Anderson at 5 days!