Wednesday, November 28, 2012

540 Days Old...November 28, 2012

We found out today that Anderson's chronic ear drainage has another term...MRSA. That's right, our toddler has medically resistant staph. Good thing for us his drainage had already been halted by a round of antibiotics that he had been on since Saturday, but we've been prescribed the big guns to make sure the infection is gone. We've already made the requisite calls to the ENT and our pediatrician to make sure that the MRSA is documented in his chart. So far, it looks like he's not contagious since his ear isn't draining. If it does start to drain, we have to treat any thing that touches his drainage (like a Q-tip) as bio hazard, and he has to be considered contagious. Sounds fun, right?
As bad as it sounded when the nurse called back with the culture results, I'm just glad we are getting it treated. MRSA is nothing to play around with, and with it being in his head, I definitely want to make sure it is GONE.
That's all for today. Y'all take care!

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Anderson is growing like a weed. What do you think about the little guy?