Tuesday, February 7, 2012

245 Days Old (8 Months Already!) February 7, 2012

100_0248100_0259100_0256100_0249                                             It was a hoot trying to take Anderson’s 8 month candid shots tonight; the kiddo was all over the place and definitely was not interested in taking the time to be bothered with some pesky photo shoot! I got more pictures of the back of his head than anything else!

At 8 months old Anderson is still able to wear some size 6 month clothes, but he’s mostly wearing 9 month clothes, and he’s still holding strong in size 3 diapers and weighing 19 pounds. He’s eating about 4-5 jars of baby food a day and we’re finally back up to 6 ounce bottles after his illness.

Anderson is a busy boy! He’s all over the place crawling, pulling up and scooting around. Nothing is safe anymore! We had to lower his bed because of him pulling up and he is loving his new found freedom.

Anderson had to go back to the doctor today for his ears and he still has an ear infection. He was given another Rocephin shot and put on yet another antibiotic. We’re going to call the ENT tomorrow and set up an appointment to discuss getting tubes. Sweet Anderson needs some relief soon for his ears and I hope our ENT will be willing to help him out.

That’s it for today. We’ll be back in 5 more days!

1 comment:

  1. It is so hard to believe that Anderson is 8 months old. Love the pictures!!


Anderson is growing like a weed. What do you think about the little guy?